I had lunch with one of my heroes today. I have to say it was exactly what I was praying for and what I needed. We had a great discussion about life, ministry and calling. He knew exactly where I was coming from. I walked away encouraged and inspired. It's so apparent that we share much of the same heart for ministry and have gone down much of the same path as well. He spoke life into my current situation and encouragement into the calling that I am wrestling with. When we returned to his church, I briefly stepped into the church prayer room while he met with a staff member. The room was covered from floor to ceiling in black butcher paper and there were writings of off-white chalk and crisp silver markers all over the walls and ceiling. As I looked closer, I saw prayers and words of empowerment and passion. As I was taking in the panorama of intercession, one grabbed my attention and spoke directly to my current reality. It said:
"Unreachable dreams are God given dreams. Never underestimate the person God has called you to be. You can bring freedom to the lost! UNASHAMED."
I don't know who wrote that or what inspired the hand that wrote it, but I honestly believe that is was written for me. I think God had a person 100 miles away write a simple message knowing that I would walk into that prayer room days or weeks later and need to be challenged by that word. It was a humbling moment as I soaked in the idea. I feel like there's a new sense of hope for the future journey God has me on. Praise to the omniscient and omnipresent God who knows all and is with all at all times!