Sunday, May 4, 2008


If you look closely, you will see Andy Stanley on the stage of North Point to giving his third message in the sermon series "Faith, Hope and Luck." Look closer. He's right there. He looks real and sounds real but is he real? He's actually being projected on a giant screen in life-size StanleyVision at the Buckhead campus of North Point. It was a pretty amazing display of very expensive technology. It was kind of like the Presidential show at Disneyland but not as actually wasn't lame at all. It was interesting to see people laugh, pray and even interact with their projected pastor. It was quite the virtual experience.

Drive 08 starts tomorrow night and I look forward to my mind being stretched in the next few days. I think an event like this does two things for you. I think God helps to define you by challenging you with things you can add to you ministry or developing philosophy. I also think events like this help to define you because God shows you things that you should omit from your ministry or philosophy. The tempting thing is to go to a church like North Point and think everything they do is something you should do because they are so successful. This does not seem like wisdom. I pray for God's wisdom in the hours ahead. I also pray God stretches me in inspiring ways and even uncomfortable/challenging ways as well.

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