Friday, February 29, 2008


I had lunch with one of my heroes today. I have to say it was exactly what I was praying for and what I needed. We had a great discussion about life, ministry and calling. He knew exactly where I was coming from. I walked away encouraged and inspired. It's so apparent that we share much of the same heart for ministry and have gone down much of the same path as well. He spoke life into my current situation and encouragement into the calling that I am wrestling with. When we returned to his church, I briefly stepped into the church prayer room while he met with a staff member. The room was covered from floor to ceiling in black butcher paper and there were writings of off-white chalk and crisp silver markers all over the walls and ceiling. As I looked closer, I saw prayers and words of empowerment and passion. As I was taking in the panorama of intercession, one grabbed my attention and spoke directly to my current reality. It said:

"Unreachable dreams are God given dreams. Never underestimate the person God has called you to be. You can bring freedom to the lost! UNASHAMED."

I don't know who wrote that or what inspired the hand that wrote it, but I honestly believe that is was written for me. I think God had a person 100 miles away write a simple message knowing that I would walk into that prayer room days or weeks later and need to be challenged by that word. It was a humbling moment as I soaked in the idea. I feel like there's a new sense of hope for the future journey God has me on. Praise to the omniscient and omnipresent God who knows all and is with all at all times!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bumper Sticker

I went on a bit of a road trip today. I saw a great bumper sticker as I came up behind this mini van. You can't read it but it says, "Change is inevitable - Growth is optional." I like that. It was a great reminder that life will always bring turns to the journey and what really matters is how I respond to it. The next generation depends on us being able to grow amidst change. I hope I'm an old person that says to the kids that come behind us, "be yourself, dream big, and turn it up baby!"

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Popularity vs. Accountability

I was given the book The Five Temptations of a CEO. As I began to read I realized that I had already read the book. However, it was a fresh reminder of some important leadership principles. I actually skipped the leadership fable about a third in and went straight to the model in the back. The 5 main temptations leaders face are:

1) Choosing status over results
2) Choosing popularity over accountability
3) Choosing certainty over clarity
4) Choosing harmony over productive conflict
5) Choosing invulnerability over trust

Personally, I feel like I struggle with temptation number two the most. It seems like many pastors would deal with this weakness. There is so much relationship emphasized in ministry and the quality of "being nice" is kind of a prerequisite for the job. It is also known that pastors on a staff can easily become very closed friends. It seems like strong advice to strive for respect rather than affection...however, that is still a very difficult idea in the ministry leadership world. I feel in order for this temptation to be overcome, there would have to be strong dialogue between a team regarding the issue. It seems like you would have to state and re-state that accountability doesn't mean loss of relationship. I would think relationship grows stronger long-term with authentic accountability. It may feel like there are short-term negative effects, but over time I think respect is built upon personal consistency and personal accountability.

I think I'll work on it. It probably starts with a conversation. May the dialogue begin.

Book Reference: The Five Temptations of a CEO - Patrick Lencioni

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Good Wife Rocks

I just have to say that my wife is amazing. I met her when I was 17 years old, she became my high school sweetheart, my fiance and my wife. Most recently she has become the mother of my son and is such a delight to behold. I honestly have to make "hanging out with the guys" a discipline because I don't really want to hang out with anyone else most of the time...she rocks.

I was thinking about her yesterday and specifically prayed for her during my time of prayer. When I pray in my office I light an oil lamp that she gave me. It's made out of Mt. St. Helens ash from the eruption in 1980. Mt. St. Helens is where we met and I can still remember what she wore on that day. It wasn't love at first sight for either of us, but it was a life changing day. That oil lamp on my desk represents that beautiful encounter.

After my prayer time yesterday , I sat down and wrote her an email.

Hi my love...

I just got done praying during lunch and I thought and prayed about you a lot in my time w/ God. I want to let you know how proud I am of you.

I was thinking about the gals you walk around the mall with…they are so blessed to have you in their lives. They don’t even know what kind of an impact you are going to make on them. I have seen a new sense of passion and mission in your life. It inspires me.

You are such an incredible mother. Everyone loves little Ethan and his personality…he gets so much of that from you. He is so blessed to have such a loving mommy. I know he already senses how much you believe in him.

What an amazing wife you are to me. You have sacrificed so much for me to be able to chase after what I feel God is calling us to. You have left family, friends, and careers to let me pursue my dreams. I feel speechless when I think about how blessed I am to be your husband.

I don’t know all the details of the journey ahead, but I have a peace about it. One of the ways God reassures me is knowing you will be by my side every step of the way. I love you so much and love the life we have lived together. I look forward to the road ahead.

I love you and I’m proud of you.

An old biblical proverb says that "he who finds a wife finds a good thing." I think that is a pretty large understatement. Much of who I am today is because of Heather. I also know that much of who I am is because of my mother...the wife of my father. Women shape history and the role of being a wife is overlooked so much.

Simply put...A good wife rocks!

Bible Reference: Old Testament - Proverbs 18:22

Monday, February 25, 2008

Make Plans

Lent, in most Christian denominations, is the forty-day liturgical season of fasting and prayer before Easter. The forty days represent the time Jesus spent in the desert, where, according to the Bible, He endured temptation by Satan.

For lent, I am fasting lunch. Fun. Not really. Joking aside, my lunch times have actually been a great time of intimate prayer and waiting on God.

In this Lenten season I have been focusing on three themes.
1) Find the source of my life in Christ
2) Be faithful in the little things of life
3) Make plans

One of my friend's favorite stories in the Bible is the story of a dreamer named Joseph. It's the tale of a group of brothers who go to kill their brother (Joseph) because of jealousy, but then decide to make a little cash and sell him into slavery. Can you say "dys-func-tion?" The remainder of the saga takes us through the journey of Joseph and how he works his way out of slavery into a place of prominence. He primarily does this because of the ability to interpret dreams.

One of the minor points of the story is Joseph's ability to make plans before he is put in his place of prominence. My friend asked me, "If someone was willing to give you a million dollars if you could just tell them what you were going to do with it, what would you tell them?" His point is a challenging one. Do I look to the future or am I only concerned with the here and now? I do believe we should live every moment with purpose, but many times that purpose needs to be focused on what's next.

I'll tell you what motivates me the most to make plans. My son. When I look in his eyes and see all the God-given potential within him, I know it is our generation's job to make plans. I don't want to look him in the eyes and tell him my generation didn't cut it. I want to give him and his generation a fighting chance at accomplishing what it is God has them to do.

Make Plans.

Bible Reference: Old Testament - Genesis 37 & 41

Friday, February 22, 2008


This morning I went running at the local high school track.  I ran a timed mile.  It was ugly.  I figured it's been 12 years since I timed a mile.  I have added roughly 3 minutes to my time...a minute every four years.  I can't believe I used to be a track athlete.  The invention of the desk was not the will of God.  It's no good getting out of shape. Hey Josh, I guess I'll actually commit and say that I'll train and run a triathlon with you.  The only thing I ask is that if I start drowning, you won't use it as an opportunity to put some distance between us.  Don't expect to see me in Kona any time soon.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Play Instead of Roast

Last night I couldn't fall asleep.  So, after the monotony of watching shadows from passing headlights started to gnaw at my brain, I decided to get out of bed and go downstairs.  These days the one thing that keeps me awake at night is the future of the local church.  So in the glow of my almost-crackling electric fireplace, I began to write...

I was on the Washington Peninsula today...I love it there.  There's just something about it.  You feel closer to God when you're there.  The sky is a deep, welcoming shade of blue.  Mt Rainier looks like it's about to take over the world as the Olympic Mountains stand in opposition to its conquest.  There are days when I miss it there.  Today was one of those days.

I have a friend that lives out there.  He's a good friend.  We worked at the same place for about two days once.  It was a good two days.  

We grabbed lunch today and he encouraged me like only he can.  He has been a kind of life coach and mentor to me and most of the mentoring has been while we have lived in different cultures and communities.  His investment in me actually began while we lived in different states.  It all started when my church slapped a restraining order on a student for pulling a knife on a board member.  I'll save that story for another day.

I told Heather that he's an unique person.  He is so inspiring to be around and yet sometimes after being with him you feel like you'll never amount to anything.  It's like coming home from Jazz Alley and grabbing your instrument so you can take the first step at becoming the cosmos' next virtuoso.  Then, as you look at your guitar you think it would be better served as kindling for roasting marshmallows.  He's kind of like that.

After today...I think I'll play instead of roast.  Thanks for walking the journey with me Wes.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just Like Everyone Else

So there's this story with a guy named Samuel and a guy named God. Samuel is a judge and God well...he's God (with a big G). In this story, God has people. I guess it's more accurate to say he has a people. He considers the families of Israel to be his special people. These people are pretty ticked with Samuel and his family. You see, Samuel was getting kind of old and had his sons to take over the family business. The only problem is that his sons were corrupt. When your "judicial system" is corrupt, I guess it doesn't matter whose people you are, you get ticked.

So, the leaders of Israel met with Samuel to discuss the matter (I picture it's like the clans of Scotland coming together to argue in the movie
Braveheart). They tell Samuel that he's old and that his sons aren't following in his footsteps. Then they simply request that they want a king. My favorite part is that their entire rationale is based upon one premise. These people want a king simply because they want to be like all the other nations of the world - they want to be just like everyone else. God reassures Samuel that they are not rejecting their judge but they are, in fact, rejecting the king they already have - the God that calls them his people.

My first thought is how absurd these people are. But then I think how often I react the same way they did...I'm really no different. All I want sometimes is to be like everyone else - or at least I want to be the way I perceive everyone else to be.  I want to substitute the divine for a 24 hour quick fix, designer jean wearing, card carrying "king" that will finally get me what I want. I mean isn't it really about what I want...isn't it about me? Most of the time it is.

I recently had a thought that I have never been mentored the way I hear of others being mentored. I feel like I haven't been invested in like I read in books and spiritual fairy tales and such. I ask, "Why can't I learn what to do rather than learn what not to do?" Then God speaks. He simply says, "Why can't I mentor you? Why must you be just like everyone else? Why can't I be your guide on this journey?" Then I shut up.

I'm not different than any of the people in this story. I probably would have been the first to walk up to the old man and tell him he's outdated and that his boys are punks. I would have raised my fist into the crisp air and clamored for a king. "A king, just like everyone else!" I'm pathetic. I feel like I'm in junior high. Like when I needed a pair of Reebok Pumps or the blue and gray Air Jordan’s because those were my school colors (Can you hear "Too Legit" playing in the background?). Yeah, it kind of feels like that. Nausea.

Well, welcome to my journey. Maybe some of us will enjoy walking the journey together.

Bible Reference: The Old Testament - 1 Samuel 8