Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Popularity vs. Accountability

I was given the book The Five Temptations of a CEO. As I began to read I realized that I had already read the book. However, it was a fresh reminder of some important leadership principles. I actually skipped the leadership fable about a third in and went straight to the model in the back. The 5 main temptations leaders face are:

1) Choosing status over results
2) Choosing popularity over accountability
3) Choosing certainty over clarity
4) Choosing harmony over productive conflict
5) Choosing invulnerability over trust

Personally, I feel like I struggle with temptation number two the most. It seems like many pastors would deal with this weakness. There is so much relationship emphasized in ministry and the quality of "being nice" is kind of a prerequisite for the job. It is also known that pastors on a staff can easily become very closed friends. It seems like strong advice to strive for respect rather than affection...however, that is still a very difficult idea in the ministry leadership world. I feel in order for this temptation to be overcome, there would have to be strong dialogue between a team regarding the issue. It seems like you would have to state and re-state that accountability doesn't mean loss of relationship. I would think relationship grows stronger long-term with authentic accountability. It may feel like there are short-term negative effects, but over time I think respect is built upon personal consistency and personal accountability.

I think I'll work on it. It probably starts with a conversation. May the dialogue begin.

Book Reference: The Five Temptations of a CEO - Patrick Lencioni

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