Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dear Woman, Here is Your Son (Part 2)

Good Friday Continued...

May we follow in our Savior’s example.

1) Jesus shows us the value of today.

With this statement, we see how he values the here and now. He isn’t so focused on tomorrow that he forgets today. May we not be so focused on eternity that we pass up the divine moments that face us each day. As one preacher said it, “we mustn't be too heavenly minded that we are no earthly good.”

May we follow in our Savior’s example.

2) Even in death, Christ honored his mother.

What an example Christ is to all children. He is our example in honoring those dear to us...even in life’s weakest moments. Our families are precious gifts from God, and we should care for them under all circumstances. Neither Christian work nor the key responsibilities of life excuse us from caring for our families.

Listen to how one Commentary puts it...

“There is something infinitely moving in the fact that Jesus in the agony of the Cross, when the salvation of the world hung in the balance, thought of the loneliness of his mother in the days ahead. He never forgot the duties that lay to his hand. He was Mary's eldest son, and even in the moment of his cosmic battle, he did not forget the simple things that lay near home. To the end of the day, even on the Cross, Jesus was thinking more of the sorrows of others than of his own.”

May we follow in our Savior’s example

3) Christ shows us the value of relationship

In our evangelical world, we typically place a heavy value on relationship. Especially the relationship that we call faith. I have grown up hearing and saying that, “THIS IS NOT RELIGION, it’s relationship!” I think we see the distinction very well in our tradition. But Christ again show us the value of today. He models being intentional about his relationship with others. Yes our relationship with God is priority, but as we build authentic relationship and love one another, we, in fact, strengthen our connection to the Father. Jesus didn’t separate the heavenly from the earthly in his last moments. He saw the divine IN ALL and valued relationship to the very end.

May we do the same as we follow in our Savior’s example.

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